History and Operations

The World Ultracycling Association is an international non-profit organization setting the standards for excellence and achievement in ultracycling.  WUCA was founded in 1980 and continues to expand from its North American origins to support ultracycling around the world.

WUCA is governed by a Board of Directors of nine members, each serving three-year terms, with elections held each year for one-third of the director positions. Officers are selected by the Board among its members, and additional volunteers are selected to administer various activities (race support, results, record attempts, etc.) 

WUCA is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Colorado in the United States. Corporate documents (articles of incorporation, bylaws, election records, and minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors) are available on request from secretary@ultracycling.com.

Contact Us

Listed below are the primary points of contact for the designated operations and committees.  Please feel free to contact any of these individuals using the Contact Us button at the bottom of this page.

President              Joe Barr
Vice-President  Larry Oslund
Treasurer  Remek Siudzinski
Secretary  Jim Parker
Executive Director  Marc Poland
Race Results Tal Katzir
Membership Marc Poland
Records Larry Oslund
Year Rounder Marc Poland
Calendar Matt Stevens
Web/Social Media (vacant)

Volunteer Committees

In addition to our officers, volunteers staff various committees to keep WUCA running strong.  If you would like to assist in any of these, please contact our President. 

  • Race Organizer Support
  • Race Calendar Management
  • Athlete Engagement