Discover Ultracycling

What is Ultracycling?

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Who is an Ultracyclist?

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How do I race and compete?

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Can I attempt to set a world record?

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Why join WUCA?

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Welcome to the world of ultracycling. WUCA is the global, non-profit organization setting the standards for excellence and accomplishment in ultracycling. Here you can find a sport in which you can push yourself to achieve an “impossible” goal.

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World Ultracycling Association

There are some types of endurance cycling that are not within our domain. These are great challenges but WUCA cannot be all things to all endurance cycling

'Randonneuring' -- long, self-supported, organized events--is a great example

Bike Touring -- exploring the world on two wheels, challenging one's endurance in a non-competitive setting

Everesting -- completing the elevation of Mt. Everest in the shortest possible times